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RISC OS stuff
<plug>If you don't know what RISC OS is, then head over to The IconBar to find out what you're missing.</plug>
Once again, this section contains various stuff to download:
 | A Befunge interpreter written in 1K of assembler.
|  | A thoroughly unimpressive conversion of an old game, which probably would have fitted into 1K anyway.
|  | A 7-day Roguelike written in BASIC for the BBC Model B.
|  | A 2k tool for helping initiliase filetype associations when your computer boots up.
|  | My NEON-optimised conversion of the Creation 1KB demo by Silexars.
|  | A 1k web server.
|  | A spin-off from my voxel engine, this is a fairly poor 3D version of the classic light cycles from the film TRON.
|  | A 1k desktop silly that illuminates the area of the screen surrounding the mouse pointer.
|  (, 5,352 bytes) | Simple NEON-optimised metaball demo for ARMv7 machines. Needs BASICVFP 1.68.
|  | An ancient assembler program that lets you play with different subtances.
|  | A simple 4k demo, focusing around a voxel landscape generator.
 | A couple of small programs to allow you to extract and compress the compressed files used by the game Big Bang.
|  | My collection of home-made Deathball levels.
|  | A work-in-progress game in the style of GTA.
|  | Some hints for playing the game Exodus.
|  | An exploration/shooting/action game set aboard a mammoth spacecraft.
|  | My collection of home-made HOMM2 levels.
|  | A simple racing game, designed as a test for the rotated sprite plotting routines in WOUM.
|  | My RISC OS port of NetHack.
|  | A general-purpose editor for the game Asylum.
|  (, 3,823 bytes) | A no-disc utility for the game Quark.
|  (, 32,442 bytes) | My collection of home-made Stunt Racer 'Killer' tracks.
|  (, 19,659 bytes) | Walkthrough and hints for the game SunBurst, including save games.
|  | Save-game editor for SunBurst.
|  | A rather unexciting game of bakery.
|  | Level editor for Asylum.
|  (, 55,805 bytes) | This is a test release of my up-and-coming Wolfenstein 3D/Doom style graphics engine.
|  | A 7 year old space shooter of mine that has now been rewritten in C. It's still a demo though, and is likely to share its name with several other space shooters, all of which are better in every possible way.
 | A small module to fix some memory allocation issues with the Wimp in RISC OS 4 and below.
|  | All-singing, all-dancing WIMP Befunge interpreter. Can also be compiled as a console app for non-RISC OS machines.
|  | Compression for small programs.
|  | A cross-platform instruction set decoder generator.
|  | CPU profiler & profile log analyser for RISC OS 5 machines.
|  | A tool for converting RISC OS fonts to sprites, suitable for use in games.
|  (, 110,906 bytes) | A quick RISC OS port of FreeUEF release 3. Source included.
|  (getkeyboard.bin, 83 bytes) | A little BASIC program I wrote to control the USB switchbox I'm using to share a keyboard. It toggles the scroll lock key once on and off, to grab the attention of the box. I can't use the keyboard to do this directly as the switchbox I'm using only responds to requests from machines other than the one currently in control of the USB device. Once downloaded, settype to BASIC.
|  | A small module to aid debugging by logging the most recent error and a snapshot of the program that caused it.
|  (, 5,993 bytes) | An old BASIC program to perform Huffman compression.
|  (, 146,140 bytes) | A quick RISC OS port of MakeUEF 0.3a. Source included.
|  (, 6,207 bytes) | A simple taskwindow-based telnet server. Source included.
|  | A WIMP-based spritefile editor, designed specifically around editing 256 colour palettes.
|  | A module to provide easy access to the performance counters that are present on most/all ARMv5+ CPUs.
|  (, 5,328 bytes) | An output driver for PlayIt to allow the module to use the SharedSound system. Version 1.11 (5 Jun 2012).
|  | A module that maps TrackerModule *commands and SWIs to their QTMModule equivalents, so that TrackerModule-based games can retain sound and music on modern machines.
|  | Tool for automating some aspects of preparing RiscPkg packages and indexes for distribution.
|  (, 8,428 bytes) | A BASIC program (and C equivalent) for converting RISC OS Sprites to raw files suitable for loading into BBC video memory. The C version is undoubtedly faster, but completely untested. Usage: spr2bbc <infile> <outfile> Accepts 1bpp, 2bpp, 4bpp sprites as input; only the first sprite in the spritefile will be converted.
|  (, 7,058 bytes) | A quick C program for cutting sprites up into equal-size tiles
|  (, 3,983 bytes) | Tools for renaming source trees from Unix to RISC OS form and vice-versa. Created after discovering that the RISC OS zip/unzip sources were dependent on a binary srcrename tool that was no longer maintained (and wasn't 32bit compatible).
|  (, 151,255 bytes) | A RISC OS port of Telnet Scripting Language. Source included.
|  | An ever-growing C library for WIMP programming, 3D graphics, 2D graphics, fixed point math, debugging, memory management, cheese grating, and coffee making.
|  (, 5,335 bytes) | An old BASIC program to perform LZW compression.
|  (unzip.bin, 112,676 bytes) | In lieu of me finding the time to tidy and submit the source patches, here's a precompiled ARMv7-safe version of the standard Info-ZIP command-line unzip utility. Just set the filetype to &ff8 and away you go.
|  | A RISC OS VNC server which I appear to have taken over development of.
 | Matthew Bloch's ARM code tutorial from Acorn Archimedes World magazine
|  (csd.txt, 1,410 bytes) | A couple of ways of getting the CSD from the command line (e.g. for use in an obeyfile)
|  (, 2,197 bytes) | An Inform editing mode for the text editor StrongEd.
|  (, 3,776 bytes) | An old and fairly pointless program to display user defined scrolly messages made from small sprites.
|  | World-famous QTMTracker module, now 32bit compatible at long last.
|  (, 5,374 bytes) | A selection of old BASIC programs that let you play with a piece of string using the mouse.
|  (, 1,428 bytes) | A simple benchmark program for measuring how well the CPU integer pipeline copes with instruction sequences that have been optimised for scalar, superscalar, and out-of-order CPUs.
|  (, 1,993 bytes) | Much like the above, a series of old BASIC programs which simulate blobby 'things'.
|  | A small selection of modules that intercept the keyboard input and manipulate it to produce deliberate spelling mistakes, funny messages, etc.